About ASDB
Alberta Society of the DeafBlind (ASDB) is a consumer-led social and advocacy organization. We gather regularly for social events, and we meet regularly to conduct the business of the association. Information regarding these activities can be found under “Events.”
Membership is open to everyone. Our membership consists of DeafBlind, Hard-of-Hearing-Blind, Low-Vision-Deaf, Low-Vision-Hard-of-Hearing, and DeafBlind-Plus other disabilities such as cognitive delays, mobility differences or medical conditions. Members also include allies who are Deaf, sighted, and hearing. Together we raise awareness of the DeafBlind community & culture, and raise funds for needed services for our DeafBlind and Hard-of-hearing-blind members.
We are affiliated with the Canadian National Society of the DeafBlind, the only consumer-led organization for DeafBlind Canadians.
Throughout the web site we will use the word “DeafBlind” as a generic, all inclusive, term for people with a combination of different levels of hearing and vision loss.
ASDB Objectives:
1. To provide and advocate for social inclusion and empowered independent living for Deaf-Blind and hard-of-hearing-blind individuals, through services such as support service providers (SSP), communication facilitators (CF) and interpreters,
2. To provide and encourage specialized professional development for interpreters, SSPs and CFs who are providing services to Deaf-Blind and Hard-of-hearing-blind individuals,
3. To lobby organizations such as community agencies /service providers, the Government of Alberta, etc. for enhanced services for DeafBlind and hard-of-hearing-blind individuals,
4. To educate the public about DeafBlind / hard-of-hearing-blind culture and community norms by providing courses, seminars, workshops or other awareness-building initiatives.